
我們是一班要擔當照顧者及擁有不同家庭崗位責任既婦女,各自擁有紡織、縫紉技能而組成既社會企業。我們有改衣服務、布藝品製作、梳化遊艇維修、布藝品度身訂造。 女布社是由一班婦女組成,我們的宗旨是「資產為本」、「宣揚環保」和「社區服務」。婦女擁有的技能是社會很重要的資產,我們應該給予婦女更多的機會,把擁有的才能發揮和應用出來,推動布製品本地製作。 我們歡迎社會各界人士捐贈布料或相關物資。


Clothing Coops in Rojava

"The Future Society for Tailoring Co-operative was the first co-operative society in Tabqa, opened by the House of Co-operatives in the Democratic Self-administration in Tabqa in co-ordination with the city council and some people who bought shares and machines. There are about 30 participants, four of them are men and the rest are women." “未来裁缝合作社协会是塔布卡的第一个合作社,由塔布卡民主自治的合作社之家与市议会和一些购买股票和机器的人合作开设。约有30名参与者,其中4名为男性,其余为女性。”

Women's Co-operatives of Rojava


Blue Tin




Due to over a year of outreach and relationship building with members of the community and beyond, we have managed to cut back on internal recurring services that typically consume much of any organization’s budget. Services like healthcare, dental health, mental health, legal services, and financial consulting have been covered, allowing your donations to go directly toward other immediate and tangible needs. Our community here in Chicago has had our back from the beginning, providing healthcare, legal and financial assistance. We need you, our community across the country and the world, to help us set up a solid foundation for this game-changing initiative.

Currently, we are working with three initial members to develop the co-op: a domestic violence survivor and immigrant from Nigeria, a Syrian refugee and widow from Aleppo, and a Kurdish-Syrian refugee woman. These highly-skilled seamstresses were selected after a two-month testing process with over 100 candidates from domestic violence shelters, refugee resettlement agencies, and more. We are structured in a co-operative model, meaning that each member also owns, manages, and directs the business. We believe it is important for workers to have a say in how their work proceeds, what their work conditions look like, and to equally share the revenue of their work. Being able to run and manage work yourself is liberating, healing, and transformational in and of itself.

Along with the immediate services provided for members of the co-operative, we will host bimonthly educational trainings open to the broader refugee and immigrant women community, scheduled on issues ranging from sexual and reproductive health, to know your rights trainings, to sessions on how to apply for college for their children.!/

“人们就是不明白衣服是怎么做的,”她说。“这本身就是一个巨大的障碍,让人们无法理解为什么衣服如此便宜,而暴力已经渗透到制造衣服的过程中,让衣服变得如此便宜。” 尽管存在语言障碍,梅西说这些女性就像姐妹一样。 “因为他们不会说英语,我也不会说阿拉伯语,所以我认为这会成为一个问题,”她说。“但不是。尽管他们不说话,但他们只是指着东西,然后就明白了。”

“People just don’t understand how clothes are made,” she said. “And that itself is a huge barrier for people to understand why clothes are so cheap and that violence has gone into creating the clothes to make it so cheap.”

Despite the language barriers, Mercy said the women are like sisters.