This inadvertent collaboration began with a conversation about the worlds around us — and our own motions within it — leading to feelings of futility, sometimes maybe the inability to do anything at all. He was fiddling around with a guitar at the time because he couldn't make work; I wrote something down because i was still in shock and didn't know how to help. I was thinking of him and thinking of her, and then decided one night when Anh was asleep in the other room to record it for them, sitting in darkness in a hallway with metal walls. She couldn't understand the English and he offered to translate it for her, he stumbled and listened to it over and over again, then he wrote something down, too, thinking of a different her. She put us together, just before her baby was born, and that became the introduction of the piece. I cried the first time i saw it.


by 何穎雅 Elaine W. Ho, Jojo of the Ultra Clan (超家族的Jojo), 賴宇通 Lai Yu Tong (Cosmologists)+ 苗母 Mother Miao 的無意合作.

其它能看和聽的版本 other versions of this work may be seen and heard here //—…ngcollection/ (點,吳索 Amy Suo Wu)— – Problems-in-the-world-mix-2019-09-20

This opening section is an extract from a longer video essay on the entanglements of a relationship breakup, the psychological and emotional wear of social movements, the oppression of traditional family values and a deserted single mother. While the background stories that have led to the texts and images do have particular incidents and contexts that link them to the question of violence, what is considered here is less the impact of a punch but a slow accumulation, seepages into the body and across time that very often unnoticeably infiltrate, morph and distort. These perpetrations reveal complexities of emotion in a manner that belie the moment of the hit. The piece is a slowly layered and inadvertent collaboration between 何穎雅 Elaine W. Ho, Jojo of the Ultra Clan (超家族的Jojo), 賴宇通 Lai Yu Tong (Cosmologists) and 苗母 Mother Miao.
