Armpitarmpit (2020), artist: SARS, foto: Wolfgang Günzel



用各种各样的线来模拟腋毛. 腋下生命有很多种,


我的腋下生命是几个分散的斑点, 当我举起手臂,

人们看到斑点时经常发问: “你这⾥怎么了?”

事实上,我“这⾥”很健康。既然诸多常识是反常的, 那就让我们来⼀⼀曝光吧~



胸前的文字由防震塑料剪裁而成, 防震塑料可以被任何材料替代, 比如布料或生活废料等

Item 14: armpitarmpit Artist: SARS

Use various threads to simulate armpit hair. There are many different kinds of underarm life, Not only hair, but moles and spots,

My armpit life is a few scattered spots, When I raise my arm,

People see spots, they often ask:

»What‹s the matter with here?« In fact, I‹m healthy »here.«

Since so much common sense is perverse, Let‹s expose them one by one