

苗的一位阿姨 Lianhua 在一家小工厂工作了多年。她的丈夫在一个建筑工地工作时意外死亡后,她成了两个孩子的单亲母亲。

One of Miao's aunts, Lianhua, has been working in a small village factory for years. After her husband died accidentally during work at a construction site, she became a single mother of two.

她的工作是给娃娃穿衣服,以及把头部和其他身体部位组装在一起。有些衣服是在同一个村子的家里由包括 ‣ 在内的妇女缝制的。她说这份工作不太需要体力,她可以在工作时听音乐和聊天。

Her job is dressing the dolls as well as assembling heads and other body parts together. Some of the clothes are sewn at home in the same village by women including ‣. She says the job is not physically demanding and she can listen to music and chat during work.

Lianhua 不是我们的成员,但也许将来我们可以一起做一些娃娃。在 Lianhua 的工厂里,苗子用自己的方式组装了几个娃娃。“太奇怪了,”Lianhua 说。

Lianhua is not a member of our co-op, but it is possible that in the future we can make some dolls together. In Lianhua's factory, Miao assembled a few dolls in her own way. "It's so weird," Lianhua said.




#非传统性别结构 #diy性别 #彩虹
